AUNDA-Ambassadors in Switzerland

Contact Seminar offers
1680 Romont

Stephanie Rego

T: +41 26 301 06 31
H: +41 79 700 10 53
Seminar language:
Main teachings Teaching 1, Teaching 2
Additional teachings Voice frequency I - up to 150,000 BU
Special seminars Archangel Alpha
3063 Ittigen

Linda Schild

T: +41 33 251 09 74
H: +41 79 641 38 21
Main teachings Teaching 1
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega

Light Column of 5 Elements

3132 Riggisberg

Maria Stankiewitz-Ammann

T: +41 31 802 01 78
H: +41 79 625 55 04
Main teachings Teaching 1
Additional teachings Voice frequency I, II - up to 300,000 BU
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega

Light Column of 5 Elements

3250 Lyss

Sascha Franziska Schläfli

H: +41 76 541 80 55
Main teachings Teaching 1
Special seminars Archangel Alpha

Light Column of 5 Elements

3257 Ammerzwil

Erika von Büren

T: +41 32 389 14 42
H: +41 78 687 31 66
Main teachings Teaching 1, Teaching 2
Additional teachings Teaching of the Rainbow colors
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega, Change of water veins

Light Column of 5 Elements

3264 Diessbach bei Büren

Jeannette Desebrock

H: +41 79 450 63 78
Main teachings Teaching 1, Teaching 2, Teaching 3
Additional teachings Teaching of the Holy Geometry, Voice frequency I, II, III, IV - up to 600,000 BU
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega, Change of water veins

Light Column of 5 Elements

3302 Moosseedorf

Brigitte Mäder

H: +41 79 467 11 56
Main teachings Teaching 1, Teaching 2, Teaching 3
Additional teachings Voice frequency I, II, III, IV - up to 600,000 BU
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega, Change of water veins

Light Column of 5 Elements

3426 Aefligen

Theresia Steuri

T: +41 31 767 83 18
H: +41 79 208 55 34
Main teachings Teaching 1
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega, Change of water veins

Light Column of 5 Elements

3427 Utzenstorf

Hans-Ulrich Kunz

T: +41 32 665 21 27
H: +41 79 218 75 55
Main teachings Teaching 1
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Change of water veins

Light Column of 5 Elements

3600 Thun

Diana D´Amelio

H: +41 79 470 35 32
Main teachings Teaching 1, Teaching 2
Additional teachings Voice frequency I, II - up to 300,000 BU
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega

Light Column of 5 Elements

3603 Thun

Margrit Straub

H: +41 79 301 49 03
Main teachings Teaching 1
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega
3604 Thun

Franziska Hertig

T: +41 33 336 60 56
H: +41 79 684 78 59
Main teachings Teaching 1, Teaching 2, Teaching 3, Teaching 4
Additional teachings Teaching of the Holy Geometry, Teaching of the Rainbow colors, Voice frequency I, II, III, IV - up to 600,000 BU
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega, Change of water veins
„How do I pass on the FT1 and FT2“ (WB1)
„How do I pass on the FT3 and further teachings“ (WB2)

Light Column of 5 Elements

3604 Thun

Lotty Stalder

T: +41 33 336 93 59
H: +41 79 240 98 63
Main teachings Teaching 1
Special seminars Archangel Alpha
3604 Thun

Renate Hoffmann

T: +41 333 361 077
Main teachings Teaching 1
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega

Light Column of 5 Elements

3612 Steffisburg

Sonnenstern - Seminare und Beratungen
Silvia Moser

H: +41 79 343 20 34
Main teachings Teaching 1, Teaching 2, Teaching 3, Teaching 4
Additional teachings Teaching of the Holy Geometry, Teaching of the Rainbow colors, Teaching of the Zodiac signs, Voice frequency I, II, III, IV - up to 600,000 BU
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega, Change of water veins
„How do I pass on the FT1 and FT2“ (WB1)
„How do I pass on the FT3 and further teachings“ (WB2)

Light Column of 5 Elements

3800 Interlaken

Liselotte Zeller

T: +41 33 821 17 76
H: +41 79 382 73 48
Main teachings Teaching 1
Additional teachings Voice frequency I, II, III - up to 450,000 BU
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega, Change of water veins

Light Column of 5 Elements

3800 Interlaken

Andrea Kölliker

H: +41 79 356 06 58
Main teachings Teaching 1, Teaching 2, Teaching 3, Teaching 4
Additional teachings Teaching of the Holy Geometry, Teaching of the Rainbow colors, Teaching of the Zodiac signs, Voice frequency I, II, III, IV - up to 600,000 BU
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega, Change of water veins
„How do I pass on the FT1 and FT2“ (WB1)
„How do I pass on the FT3 and further teachings“ (WB2)

Light Column of 5 Elements

3952 Susten

Yvonne Schmidt

T: +41 71 288 0937
H: +41 79 307 78 91
Main teachings Teaching 1, Teaching 2, Teaching 3, Teaching 4
Additional teachings Teaching of the Holy Geometry, Teaching of the Rainbow colors, Teaching of the Zodiac signs, Voice frequency I, II, III, IV - up to 600,000 BU
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega, Change of water veins
„How do I pass on the FT1 and FT2“ (WB1)
„How do I pass on the FT3 and further teachings“ (WB2)

Light Column of 5 Elements

6005 Luzern

AnnaMaria und Peter Ott

T: +41 41 210 00 66
H: +41 79 301 04 70
Main teachings Teaching 1, Teaching 2
Additional teachings Teaching of the Rainbow colors, Voice frequency I, II - up to 300,000 BU
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega, Change of water veins

Light Column of 5 Elements

6014 Luzern

Marlies Müller

T: +41 41 250 14 26
H: +41 78 607 59 15
Main teachings Teaching 1
Additional teachings Voice frequency I - up to 150,000 BU
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega

Light Column of 5 Elements

6017 Ruswil

Gerda Nietlispach

T: +41 41 495 23 60
Main teachings Teaching 1, Teaching 2, Teaching 3, Teaching 4
Additional teachings Teaching of the Holy Geometry, Teaching of the Rainbow colors, Voice frequency I, II, III, IV - up to 600,000 BU
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega, Change of water veins
„How do I pass on the FT1 and FT2“ (WB1)
„How do I pass on the FT3 and further teachings“ (WB2)

Light Column of 5 Elements

6020 Emmenbrücke

Melisa Ottiger

H: +41 78 742 14 58
Seminar language:
Main teachings Teaching 1, Teaching 2, Teaching 3, Teaching 4
Additional teachings Teaching of the Holy Geometry, Teaching of the Rainbow colors, Teaching of the Zodiac signs, Voice frequency I, II, III, IV - up to 600,000 BU
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega, Change of water veins
„How do I pass on the FT1 and FT2“ (WB1)
„How do I pass on the FT3 and further teachings“ (WB2)

Light Column of 5 Elements

6048 Horw

Andrea Shija Wobmann

H: +41 79 414 75 26
Main teachings Teaching 1
Special seminars Archangel Alpha
6064 Kerns

Gerald Hochschild

T: +41 41 660 99 44
Main teachings Teaching 1, Teaching 2
Additional teachings Teaching of the Rainbow colors, Voice frequency I - up to 150,000 BU
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega, Change of water veins

Light Column of 5 Elements

6102 Malters

Rosa Del Bene

T: +41 41 497 27 32
H: +41 79 685 33 09
Main teachings Teaching 1
Special seminars Archangel Alpha
6144 Zell

Ganzheitlich gesund und bewusst SEIN
Claudia Ruckstuhl

H: +41 79 648 53 06
Main teachings Teaching 1, Teaching 2, Teaching 3, Teaching 4
Additional teachings Teaching of the Holy Geometry, Teaching of the Rainbow colors, Teaching of the Zodiac signs, Voice frequency I, II, III, IV - up to 600,000 BU
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega, Change of water veins
„How do I pass on the FT1 and FT2“ (WB1)
„How do I pass on the FT3 and further teachings“ (WB2)

Light Column of 5 Elements

6182 Escholzmatt-Marbach

André Morgner

H: +41 78 669 58 11
Main teachings Teaching 1, Teaching 2
Additional teachings Teaching of the Holy Geometry
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega, Change of water veins

Light Column of 5 Elements

6206 Neuenkirch

Margrith Röösli

T: +41 41 467 20 56
H: +41 79 752 98 74
Main teachings Teaching 1
Special seminars Archangel Alpha
6232 Geuensee

Zurueck ins Leben
Jeannine Bienz

T: +41 76 329 96 23
Main teachings Teaching 1, Teaching 2
Additional teachings Voice frequency I - up to 150,000 BU
Special seminars Archangel Alpha
6252 Dagmersellen

Alura - Praxis für Kinesiologie
Sylvia Stampfli und Roland Lustenberger

T: +41 62 756 15 22
H: +41 79 217 62 27
Main teachings Teaching 1
Additional teachings Voice frequency I - up to 150,000 BU
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega

Light Column of 5 Elements

6253 Uffikon

Chantal Carolin Mammoletti

H: +41 79 174 15 37
Main teachings Teaching 1, Teaching 2
Additional teachings Voice frequency I, II - up to 300,000 BU
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega, Change of water veins

Light Column of 5 Elements

6260 Reiden

Anke und Roger Hartmann

T: +41 62 758 13 70
H: +41 76 572 45 70
Main teachings Teaching 1, Teaching 2, Teaching 3, Teaching 4
Additional teachings Teaching of the Holy Geometry, Teaching of the Rainbow colors, Teaching of the Zodiac signs, Voice frequency I, II, III, IV - up to 600,000 BU
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega, Change of water veins
„How do I pass on the FT1 and FT2“ (WB1)
„How do I pass on the FT3 and further teachings“ (WB2)

Light Column of 5 Elements

6260 Reidermoos

Bernadette Bossert

T: +41 62 758 12 11
H: +41 79 903 39 71
Main teachings Teaching 1
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega

Light Column of 5 Elements

6280 Hochdorf

Frieda Portmann

T: +41 41 911 08 28
Main teachings Teaching 1, Teaching 2, Teaching 3, Teaching 4
Additional teachings Teaching of the Holy Geometry, Teaching of the Rainbow colors, Teaching of the Zodiac signs, Voice frequency I, II, III, IV - up to 600,000 BU
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega, Change of water veins
„How do I pass on the FT1 and FT2“ (WB1)
„How do I pass on the FT3 and further teachings“ (WB2)

Light Column of 5 Elements

6318 Walchwil

Cornelia Wöhrle

T: +41 41 755 02 02
F: +41 41 755 12 17
Main teachings Teaching 1, Teaching 2, Teaching 3, Teaching 4
Additional teachings Teaching of the Holy Geometry, Teaching of the Rainbow colors, Teaching of the Zodiac signs, Voice frequency I, II, III, IV - up to 600,000 BU
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega, Change of water veins
„How do I pass on the FT1 and FT2“ (WB1)
„How do I pass on the FT3 and further teachings“ (WB2)

Light Column of 5 Elements

6440 Brunnen

Agnes Gwerder

H: +41 76 410 90 23
Main teachings Teaching 1
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega, Change of water veins

Light Column of 5 Elements

7000 Chur

Doris Rageth

T: +41 81 284 66 23
H: +41 79 623 37 35
Main teachings Teaching 1, Teaching 2
Additional teachings Voice frequency I - up to 150,000 BU
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega
7176 Cumpadials

Therese Frey-Kaufmann

T: +41 81 936 34 21
H: +41 76 436 34 21
Main teachings Teaching 1
Special seminars Archangel Alpha
7302 Landquart

Sybille Sanwald

H: +41 78 803 44 62
Main teachings Teaching 1, Teaching 2
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega
8051 Zürich

Maria Marti

H: +41 79 287 59 19
Main teachings Teaching 1
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega
8166 Niederweningen

Sabina Kaiser

H: +41 79 388 30 10
Main teachings Teaching 1
Special seminars Archangel Alpha

Light Column of 5 Elements

8172 Niederglatt

Carmen Freudenberg

T: +41 434 976 546
H: +41 765127607
Main teachings Teaching 1
Special seminars Archangel Alpha
8330 Pfäffikon

Dafny Ottiger

H: +41 79 398 30 14
Main teachings Teaching 1
Special seminars Archangel Alpha

Light Column of 5 Elements

8340 Hinwil

Praxis Viva
Nadja C. Schwitter

H: +41 78 852 13 87
Main teachings Teaching 1, Teaching 2, Teaching 3
Additional teachings Voice frequency I, II, III - up to 450,000 BU
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega

Light Column of 5 Elements

8574 Lengwil

Innovatives Zentrum für ganzheitliche Gesundheit
Josef Ruhland

T: +41 71 440 37 73
H: +41 76 331 57 74
Main teachings Teaching 1, Teaching 2, Teaching 3, Teaching 4
Additional teachings Teaching of the Holy Geometry, Teaching of the Rainbow colors, Teaching of the Zodiac signs, Voice frequency I, II, III, IV - up to 600,000 BU
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega, Change of water veins
„How do I pass on the FT1 and FT2“ (WB1)
„How do I pass on the FT3 and further teachings“ (WB2)

Light Column of 5 Elements

8593 Kesswil

Agnes Vetter
Main teachings Teaching 1
Special seminars Archangel Alpha
8599 Salmsach

CHAKRASOMA • Der Weg zur Zufriedenheit
Ein Betrieb im KRD - Repräsentanz / Post: Inh. Daniela Blumenthal

H: +41 78 222 03 64
Main teachings Teaching 1, Teaching 2
Additional teachings Voice frequency I, II - up to 300,000 BU
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega
8630 Rüti

Praxis für Kinesiologie
Marlène Michael

T: +41 55 240 18 32
F: +41 55 240 18 83
Main teachings Teaching 1, Teaching 2, Teaching 3
Additional teachings Teaching of the Holy Geometry, Teaching of the Rainbow colors, Voice frequency I, II, III, IV - up to 600,000 BU
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega, Change of water veins

Light Column of 5 Elements

8934 Knonau

Esther und Arnold Wettach

T: +41 44 767 15 13
Main teachings Teaching 1, Teaching 2, Teaching 3, Teaching 4
Additional teachings Teaching of the Holy Geometry, Teaching of the Rainbow colors, Teaching of the Zodiac signs, Voice frequency I, II, III, IV - up to 600,000 BU
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega, Change of water veins
„How do I pass on the FT1 and FT2“ (WB1)
„How do I pass on the FT3 and further teachings“ (WB2)

Light Column of 5 Elements

9000 St. Gallen

Willy Nydegger

H: +41 79 888 61 13
Main teachings Teaching 1, Teaching 2
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega
9042 Speicher

Tamara Haldner

T: +41 71 277 70 33
H: +41 79 447 87 79
Main teachings Teaching 1, Teaching 2, Teaching 3, Teaching 4
Additional teachings Teaching of the Holy Geometry, Teaching of the Rainbow colors, Teaching of the Zodiac signs, Voice frequency I, II, III, IV - up to 600,000 BU
Special seminars Archangel Alpha, Archangel Omega, Change of water veins
„How do I pass on the FT1 and FT2“ (WB1)
„How do I pass on the FT3 and further teachings“ (WB2)

Light Column of 5 Elements

9042 Speicher

Ursula Fässler

T: +41 71 344 32 92